Village Housing Handbook
Policies in this handbook are subject to change. Changes made before the next annual update will be emailed to current residents' WWU email addresses and notated on this page.
Village Housing is an extension of Walla Walla University and all university policies apply. Walla Walla University is legally exempt from the Landlord-Tenant Laws pursuant to RCW 59.18.040(1).
Student residents
Your Rental Agreement, this Village Housing Handbook, and the Walla Walla University Student Handbook and Code of Conduct contain the terms of your student housing agreement.
Faculty and staff residents
Your Rental Agreement, this Village Housing Handbook, and the Employee Handbook contain the terms of your housing agreement.
Table of Contents
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Residential Life and Housing Mission
Walla Walla University’s Residential Life and Housing department exists to create a Christian community that encourages connectivity among all WWU residents; enhances personal, professional, and spiritual growth; and fosters an atmosphere conducive to a lifetime of learning and service.
Walla Walla University Vision
A community of faith and discovery committed to:
- Excellence in thought
- Generosity in service
- Beauty in expression
- Faith in God
Life-threatening emergencies/fire
Call 911
College Place Police Dispatch
(509) 525-1960
Campus Security
(509) 527-2222
Parking, safety concerns, safety escorts to/from residence at night, noise disturbances, etc.
Counseling Services (on-campus)
(509) 527-2147
Internet outages (university supported)
Submit ticket
(509) 527-2317
Maintenance (emergency)
(509) 527-2930, after hours, weekends, and holidays
(509) 527-2109, Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Maintenance (non-emergency)
Submit Service Request/Work Order
(509) 527-2109
Mental Health Crisis Hotline
(509) 524-2999
To assist you in your transition to living in village housing, please complete the following:
- Read the Village Housing Handbook and understand listed resources and policies.
- Review and understand the rental agreement.
- Check the condition of your unit. Make any notations on the property condition form, and return it to the Village Housing office within one week of moving in. You may be charged upon move out for any damage and/or abnormal wear and tear that is not already noted on the property condition form.
- Call and have required utilities transferred into your name within 48 hours of moving in. The utilities needed for your unit are listed on the “Next Steps” email received after the unit was reserved. They are also listed in documents received when checking in.
- Submit a change of address at the College Place post office to assure mail and package delivery.
- Find the laundry rooms (apartments only) and trash sites closest to your unit. Trash cans at houses will need to be placed at the curb for pickup on designated days.
- Register your vehicle if you are living in an apartment community or parking on campus.
Changes in policy
Policies in this handbook are subject to change. Any changes will be announced via email to current residents and on this site.
Village Housing administrative fee
An administrative fee is required for all housing assignments. This fee is nonrefundable and is required any time a person occupies a residence. The fee is charged separately to each person in the amount of $250 for single or shared units, or $500 for a married couple or single occupancy of a 2+ bedroom unit.
Changes in rent
Village Housing reserves the right to increase rental rates with appropriate written notice, consistent with state law and any applicable ordinance.
Village Housing services
Village Housing is the primary point of contact for the resident and acts as the Walla Walla University rental authority for the Rental Agreement. Moving in or out, repairs, policy enforcement, rent, and other charges related to the rental of university-owned properties start in the Village Housing office.
Air filters and furnace filters
Air filters
Residents living in apartment communities have heat and/or air conditioning systems with reusable filters. The resident is responsible for checking and cleaning the filters monthly. To clean the filter, remove it from the unit and carefully rinse with warm, running water. Gently rub the filter while rinsing to help remove debris. Do not use soap. Allow the filter to air dry fully before placing it back into the unit.
Furnace filters
Residents living in single-family and multi-unit houses with forced heat and/or air conditioning systems are responsible for regularly changing air filters. Systems cannot work efficiently if they are clogged. Clogs increase energy costs and can cause damage to the unit. Rental Properties can supply new filters at no cost to the resident as needed. Please submit a work order to request a new filter.
Automobile repairs and towing
Extensive car repairs are not allowed on the premises. Vehicles that are not running and left in parking areas for more than two weeks at a time will be towed at the owner’s expense. Storage of non-operating vehicles or vehicles owned by third parties is not permitted.
Residents in single-family houses may use barbecue grills with the following safety precautions:
- Use only propane (no charcoal).
- Set up in grassy areas, at least 10 feet from any structures or foliage.
- Do not use any parking areas.
- Do not leave the barbecue grill in the front lawn. Put it away after it cools.
Failure to comply will result in a $500 fine and may include eviction.
All bicycles should be stored in the bike racks or inside the residence. Mountain View residents on the second and third floors may store bikes without engines on balconies. Bikes are not to be attached to, or under, any of the apartment stairs or railings. College Place requires that all bicycles be registered with the Police Department. U-locks are recommended. It is also suggested that bicycles be registered at Project 529.
Burning, bonfire, and barbecue (houses only)
Please note that this policy is for single-family houses only. Apartment communities and multi-unit houses may not have open flame fires of any kind anywhere on the premises. Fires anywhere on university-owned property is strongly discouraged. However, a fire pit may be used with prior approval in the back yard of a single-family house, as long as the following requirements are adhered to:
- Call the Residential Burn Decision Line at (509) 524-2612 after 9:30 a.m. to see if conditions allow for burning that day.
- Wood is the only substance that may be burned on the premises; you may not burn leaves, debris, or other such items.
- The purpose of fire must be for warming or cooking.
- The fire must be at least 25 feet from any structure.
- The fire must be contained in a commercial-built fire pit no larger than 3 feet by 3 feet.
- The fire cannot be in a burn barrel.
- Fires are not allowed during a statewide ban or a seasonal drought.
Business and commercial activities
Residents shall not conduct or maintain any business or commercial activities on the premises or adjacent property owned or controlled by the University without proper express written permission of the University.
Campus Security
Campus Security officers are university officials. Students are expected to comply with Campus Security and identify themselves to security officers when requested to do so. When Campus Security comes to your residence, you are expected to be respectful, cooperate, open your door, allow entry if requested, and act in a civil manner. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action.
Candles and open flames
Equipment that produces, contains, or conducts a continuous open flame (such as candles, potpourri burners, incense, or other combustibles) are prohibited, even if used strictly as decoration. If found, items will be confiscated and resident will be fined $25. If any items are burning when discovered, the fine will be increased to $100.
Christmas decorations
While Christmas decorations are allowed, there are some restrictions:
- Fire codes prohibit the use of real/natural Christmas trees and decorations (i.e., bows, branches, cones, seeds, and the like). Artificial trees and decorations are acceptable and encouraged, with safety awareness.
- Use only noncombustible or flame-resistant materials to decorate a tree.
- Do not staple or nail lights or other decorations to the outside or inside of your residence.
- Do not plug one strand of lights into another.
- Use only LED lights. Do not hang lights against walls as they may damage paint.
- Do not leave lights on when you leave your residence - please unplug them.
Common areas
Common areas are designated for use by all residents of a premises for a specific purpose. Common areas include shared areas such as laundry sites, stairs, and shared walkways or hallways. Common areas should be kept clear of residents’ personal items.
If there is a common area maintenance need or issue, please contact the Village Housing office with specific information about the problem.
Disability support services
Disability-related housing or meal plan accommodations are modifications to the residential environment for students whose disabilities substantially limit their ability to participate in residential and housing life. Students requesting disability-based housing accommodations will need to meet with Disability Support Services (DSS) staff and provide documentation supporting their request and disability-related needs.
Accommodations for housing are approved on a case-by-case basis and are dependent on the nature of the disability and/or health condition as well as the impact on the campus living environment. DSS works in partnership with Village Housing to provide accommodation that meets individual student needs. Because housing accommodation requests for disabilities may take time to process, it is important that accommodation requests for pre-existing conditions be made by the deadline for each quarter.
DSS asks Village Housing to place the student in any space that can fulfill the accommodation needs of that student; we do not ask to place a student in a particular building or space as accommodation.
See requirements and specific information regarding documentation guidelines.
The information provided to DSS will be shared only with other relevant staff in a discreet and confidential manner and will be used only as permitted under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. This information will have no bearing on students’ general eligibility for housing.
All requests and any required documents must be submitted to DSS by the deadline for each quarter. If requests are received after the deadline, DSS cannot guarantee the accommodation will be met. Requests received after the deadline will be reviewed for approval and implemented on a space-available basis.
Housing Accommodation Request Deadlines
Fall Quarter: June 15
inter Quarter: October 15
Spring Quarter: January 15
Summer Quarter: April 15
New students
Students who are new to Walla Walla University and requesting housing accommodations will need to meet with or have a scheduled phone interview with Disability Support Services. Students must provide documentation of their disability-related need and request accommodations through Disability Support Services. Requests made to non-DSS staff, such as housing staff, admissions officers, or other faculty or staff do not constitute a declaration of request for disability-related services or modifications.
Current students
- Students currently receiving housing accommodation for disability- based needs should notify the DSS coordinator of a request to continue using the same accommodation in the next year when housing applications are being accepted. Depending on the condition, updated documentation may be requested.
- Students who want to make changes to their necessary accommodation should review the documentation guidelines. New or updated documentation should be provided to the DSS coordinator. Students will be asked to make an appointment to discuss their specific needs with the DSS coordinator.
Animals in housing
Walla Walla University has a general “no pets” policy in all campus buildings, including University housing. However, Service animals are allowed to accompany their handlers on campus and in their residence halls. Emotional Support Animals (ESAs) may be requested as an accommodation in housing through Disability Support Services.
- Service animal: An individually trained dog to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability.
- ESAs: Can be dogs and other animals, that provide passive support that mitigates, in full or part, an impact of a person’s disability, allowing them to benefit from Walla Walla University’s Housing and Residence Life.
A student requesting an ESA should complete the following steps:
- Submit a request for accommodations (form obtained on DSS website)
- Submit the ESA form completed by health or mental health care provider to DSS (obtained from DSS).
- Submit to DSS a vet report of good health/vaccination and proof that the animal is licensed with the city of College Place.
- Once above documents are submitted, make an appointment with DSS to discuss the accommodation.
- Student will receive notification from DSS if request for an “Emotional Support Animal in residence” is approved or denied. DSS may request additional information if the initial form doesn’t provide the necessary information.
- The student will make an appointment with DSS staff to review the animal agreement form.
All steps must be completed prior to the animal arrival. Students who bring an animal on campus prior to obtaining permission will be asked to remove the animal from campus.
If you have further questions, email
Disability Support Services
Village Hall, lower level
(509) 527-2366
Drug and alcohol policy
The university maintains policies that support an alcohol-, tobacco-, and drug- free campus environment.
Please refer to the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct, or the Faculty and Staff drug and alcohol policy.
Eligibility for WWU village housing (students)
In order to live in village housing, a student must be in good standing at the university and enrolled in full time, degree track, or equivalent coursework (audit courses do not apply). In addition, student must be 22 years of age or have completed 136 credits, or meet other housing policy eligibility criteria. Continuing/returning WWU students must have maintained a clean quarter through their most recent quarter prior to moving off campus.
The university provides and maintains its residences for the use of legitimate rent-paying residents (and their spouses and dependents where applicable).
Students are expected to vacate within 24 hours of becoming unenrolled. However, those finishing senior projects or incompletes (four-week limit) or who are under the approved quarterly credit-hour requirements may request an extension. Approval must be obtained from Village Housing which will work with Student Financial Services. A letter from an academic advisor is required. In such circumstances, please be aware of the importance of maintaining communication with the Village Housing office. Failure to do so could result in eviction.
Clean-quarter policy
A student who did not have a clean quarter incurred one or more of the following:
- Drug and alcohol policy violation.
- Residence Hall Contract for violating curfew/no contact.
- Worship program noncompliance.
- Residence hall probation.
- Any conduct requiring a Behavioral Contract.
Right to deny
Walla Walla University reserves the right to deny future housing assignments to residents with a history of more than one notice to vacate, a history of violating the terms of the rental agreement, or cleaning and damage charges in excess of $200.
Eligibility for WWU village housing (faculty and staff)
Housing for faculty and staff is intended to be for short-term, transitional use for regular, full-time and benefit-eligible employees of Walla Walla University.
The university provides and maintains its residences for the use of legitimate rent-paying residents (and their spouses and dependents, if any).
Entry, search, and confiscation
Entry and, if necessary, subsequent search by a University official may occur for a number of reasons. Examples include:
- To ensure that health and/or safety standards are being met, including safety inspections during vacation periods/Christmas break.
- For the purposes of repair, construction, or inventory.
- When there exists reasonable suspicion that a violation of University policy or law is being committed, or has been committed; and/or that a delay in such entry would endanger the health and safety of the resident, adjoining residential community, or property, or result in the potential destruction of material relating to the violation.
- For the purpose of determining compliance with the rental agreement.
Where possible, notice of intent to enter a residence will be given to the resident in advance. However, advance notice of entry may not be practical when emergencies arise.
The university reserves the right to confiscate, retain, and dispose (at any time) of any illegal, dangerous, or prohibited items, regardless of value or ownership. Items confiscated under this policy are generally not available to be returned to a student.
Refusal to comply with university officials, Campus Security, or law enforcement officers while performing their duties will be considered an admission of guilt and will be treated accordingly.
Eviction and notice of noncompliance
If a resident is found to be in breach of the housing agreement, an eviction or a noncompliance notice may be given. Residents will be responsible for the fees associated with delivering the notice ($20). In the event of an eviction, the resident will be responsible for any and all fees associated with the procedure.
Exterior of Premises
In order to keep housing safe and tidy, we ask that only patio furniture, potted plants, and bicycles be stored on balconies, porches, and patios. No indoor furniture of any kind is to be placed or stored outside. Items on a balcony or patio must be orderly — no motorcycles or other vehicles with an engine. Nothing is allowed to be affixed to the spindles of the balconies, patios, or stairs. Nothing should be thrown or dumped from balconies.
Any path that has an entrance/exit and sidewalks must be kept clear at all times. Doormats are acceptable.
The unsightly accumulation of litter, junk, auto parts, scrap material, plant cuttings or similar matter which can be visible from any other property or the public way is prohibited.
Use and storage of personal barbecue grills (charcoal or propane) is strictly prohibited on all multi-unit properties, and includes but is not limited to balconies, patios, walkways, parking areas, carports, and grass. For your convenience, there is a barbecue area with grills in the courtyard of Mountain View that can be used by any student in university-owned village housing.
Fire and safety
- Open flames are not permitted inside any university-owned properties. This includes fireplaces.
- Any method of heating other than that supplied by the university, such as space heaters and/or portable heaters, is not permitted.
- Halogen lamps are not allowed.
- Extension cords are only for temporary use. If the number of building outlets is not adequate, a power strip with a circuit breaker (UL Listing or other approved lab testing) may be used—but must be replaced every five years, and one power strip may not be plugged into another.
- All walkways and breezeways of apartments are to be kept clear at all times. There must be a 4-foot space cleared in front of all entrances. This includes but is not limited to bicycles, motorcycles, potted plants, trash, and other miscellaneous items.
- Fabric may not be hung from the ceilings.
- Beds or other items may not be placed near heaters.
- The interior must be orderly, leaving room for people to easily walk in and out in case of an emergency.
- Flammable materials shall not be stored in residences or open storage areas, and should be stored in FM (Factory Mutual) or UL (Underwriters Laboratories) containers in enclosed outbuildings or storage areas.
- Residents in University Studios apartments should not operate multiple electrical appliances at the same time.
Any violation of this policy may result in fines and/or disciplinary action.
Detectors and alarms
In accordance with Washington state law, detectors, including smoke and carbon monoxide, have been placed in all housing. Upkeep of these devices is very important. The resident is responsible for testing the detectors monthly and changing batteries as necessary. The resident may not disable the use of any detector or alarm in university-owned housing. Failure to comply will result in a fine and/or disciplinary action.
Carbon monoxide poisoning
Signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning include headache, fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, and confusion. If you have any of these symptoms or your alarm sounds, go outside to fresh air immediately and call 911. At high levels, CO can cause death within minutes.
Firearms and other weapons
Walla Walla University does not allow any firearms or weapons (including pellet guns, BB guns, paintball guns, and toy guns, as well as any explosive devices, bombs, or any other makeshift weapon) on our campus, including university-owned housing, regardless of your legal right to own or possess them off our campus. Students are prohibited from carrying, possessing, or using guns or other dangerous devices for any purpose at any time on university premises, including weapons kept in vehicles on university property. Weapons and other dangerous devices are also prohibited off university premises while on university business or at university-sponsored events. People who possess a concealed-weapons permit are not allowed to carry weapons on university property or while representing the university. Violators are subject to disciplinary action, fines, and arrest on local, state and/or federal charges.
Anyone who observes or has knowledge of someone violating this policy should immediately report the incident to Campus Security. The reporter should be prepared to provide any relevant information that caused him or her to observe or suspect the violation.
Failure to adhere to the university’s weapons policy or failure to cooperate in the investigation is grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from school.
Please refer to the Student Handbook and Code of Conduct for the full policy.
Fireworks, flammables, and explosives
Fireworks, flammables, explosives, and chemicals of an explosive and/ or flammable nature are prohibited in university-owned housing. Use or possession of these items will result in a $500 fine and may include eviction.
No flags, banners, signs, posters, or any other medium for a message may be displayed outside or in view of the public.
Floor care
Routine carpet care requires vacuuming thoroughly to remove the soil from the carpet. Please refrain from using stain removal formulas with harsh chemicals. Although they may work to remove stains, they may also remove color from the carpet.
Vinyl plank
Do not use chemicals, soap, or Swiffer products as they can damage flooring. Use water or neutral cleaners only. Avoid flood mopping and mop with a damp mop only.
Food and beverage sales
Selling of food or beverages from university housing is prohibited.
Garbage disposals
Garbage disposals are for shredding small amounts of food waste. Use cold water when operating a garbage disposal, and run only for short periods of time. Let the water run approximately 20 seconds after turning the unit off. Add food waste gradually and avoid putting large amounts of food waste in at once. Do not add items such as fats, potato peels, broccoli, carrot shavings, bones, rocks, and silverware.
If the disposal is not starting, please press the reset button on the unit. If it doesn’t start after resetting, please submit a work order.
Running ice or egg shells through your disposal once each month helps keep blades sharp.
Guests and overnight visitors
The right of every student to live in reasonable privacy takes precedence over the right of their roommate to entertain a guest on the premises. Anyone visiting a housing unit is a guest of the individual renting the unit. As a host you are responsible for your guests’ compliance with the Rental Agreement and the Village Housing Handbook (including the Student Code of Conduct and Employee Handbook where applicable) whether you are present in any situation where concern arises. This includes any private or common areas of a residence.
All guests are allowed until midnight on any given night as long as they are in compliance with the noise level and quiet hours policy.
Only residents who are registered with the Village Housing office as actual residents of a space may live in that space. The following examples are violations of this policy:
- Residents swapping housing assignments without permission.
- Allowing relatives to stay overnight without making arrangements through the Village Housing office.
- Allowing friends or students to stay overnight.
In order to foster an atmosphere of study, security, and to provide a measure of privacy, visitation is limited. Visiting hours are 8 a.m. to midnight seven days a week.
During visitation hours, it is expected that all group conversations, study sessions, and activities that include another gender remain in a common area of the housing unit while being mindful of the noise level and quiet hours policy to keep noise at a respectable level, especially after 10 p.m.
Any violation of this policy may result in eviction.
Hazardous materials
Resident shall not store any hazardous materials, including but not limited to asbestos, petroleum and petroleum byproducts, old batteries, or paint on the premises, but a reasonable amount of cleaning supplies can be used and stored on the premises provided that these supplies are used and stored in a safe manner and consistent with their label and instructions.
Heaters and safe clearances
Heaters need adequate air circulation to operate properly. Do not obstruct heaters with furniture, bedding, or personal belongings as they could catch fire.
Baseboard Heaters
Keep a minimum clearance of 12 inches in front and above the heater, and 6 inches to the sides.
Fan Heaters
Keep minimum clearances of three feet in front of the heater, and 12 inches to the sides and above the heater.
Heat settings
A temperature of at least 65 degrees should be maintained inside the premises, even when residents are away. The resident is responsible for damages and repair costs that result because of negligence in keeping the unit warmed adequately, such as frozen pipes or mold formation.
Walla Walla University reserves the right to enter the premises to adjust temperature settings when weather conditions warrant.
Interior decoration
Residents, both on campus and off, are expected to comply with and reflect the values and vision of Walla Walla University. It is important that village residents are aware of the perception of their decoration choices inside the residence. Pictures, posters, and signs are not to display values different from the university. Decoration choices should not be pornographic/sexually explicit, or include violence, drugs, or alcohol. Alcoholic beverage bottles (full or empty) are not to be used as decoration in any part of the residence.
Nothing is to hang from or be attached to the ceiling, and nail holes should be kept to a minimum. Christmas lights or other incandescent lights should not touch the walls as they may damage paint.
The interior must also be orderly, leaving room for people to easily walk in and out in case of an emergency.
Wall decorations
Staples or tape of any description must not be used to put pictures, postcards, cards, or other items on the wall or wood surfaces. Please only use small nails on walls. Patching nail holes and other repairs are to be left for Rental Properties.
Adhesive strips, decals, and wallpaper are not to be used at any time, nor should any painting be done in apartments or houses. Contact paper may be used in drawers and shelf liners may be used where applicable. Should wallpaper be installed or walls painted, resident will be financially responsible for any work needed to return the unit to the condition it was in when resident checked in. In addition, nothing should be nailed, screwed, or glued to any doors.
Internet service
The WWU Information Technology department is responsible for providing and maintaining wireless internet service to Birch, Faculty Court, Hallmark, Mountain View, and University Studios apartments. In these areas, all wireless gear needs to be provided and managed by the IT department. This is to ensure students do not cause wireless issues with adjacent residences. The IT department will turn off network access to areas where third-party devices are found until they are removed so neighboring residents can continue to have good wireless service. If you experience connectivity issues, please contact the IT department.
Internet / satellite dish / antenna installation
Attaching a dish or antenna of any kind outside of your apartment is not allowed. If a resident at a house wishes to install one, they must coordinate installation with Rental Properties. Call the Village Housing office before scheduling installation.
Keys and keypad codes
Keys should not be duplicated or given to someone who is not an occupant of your housing unit. They also should not be passed to a replacement roommate. They should be returned to Village Housing by the date stated on the move-out notice.
If you lock yourself out of your apartment, please call the Village Housing office during normal business hours or check with your area coordinator. If it is after hours and your area coordinator is not available, call Campus Security at (509) 527-2222. Please note: A $5 fee may be assessed.
If you lose a key, the Key Shop at Facility Services charges $35 for a replacement key. If you find the key after the charge has been processed, return it to the Key Shop for a refund. If the Village Housing office feels your safety and the safety of future residents is a concern and a lock needs to be replaced, the Key Shop will charge $50 per lock. Charges through the Key Shop are subject to change.
Keypad codes
Keypad codes are unique for each resident and should not be shared with anyone, including replacement roommates. If a code needs to be reprogrammed, a $25 fee will be charged.
If keypad code box begins to blink, the battery is dying. Please submit a work order right away so Rental Properties can replace the battery before it dies completely.
The laundry machines in Birch, Faculty Court, Hallmark, University Studios, 112 W Whitman, and 225 W Whitman apartments have laundry rooms. To use these machines, you can download the PayRange app, add funds, and pay with your phone. Quarters are also an accepted payment type. When using the laundry machines, remember to always empty the dryer lint trays after each use and to leave areas clean. Please refrain from using the laundry facilities between 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. and during Sabbath hours. Report any problems with the laundry room machines by submitting a Laundry Room Machine Repair form.
Lock changes
Residents may not change locks. Lock changes may be requested at the expense of the resident.
Maintenance issues/repairs
Call Village Housing at (509) 527-2109 during business hours, or (509) 527-2930 after hours. A facility services representative will respond as soon as possible.
Definition of emergency: Lack of essential services such as heat, water, and electricity.
By reporting a maintenance need, you are giving WWU staff permission to enter the premises to make necessary repairs. All maintenance requests are prioritized according to the nature of the problem, budgetary resources available, and priority in long-range capital improvement objectives. If Rental Properties responds to a maintenance request and determines that there is no work to be done or that needed repairs are a result of the resident not following directions as given by Village Housing or Rental Properties, then the resident will be charged for the service call (see Fees and fines).
Residents should not attempt to make repairs themselves or contract with others to do so. It’s likely the work would not meet university standards, resulting in additional damage fees to complete the work correctly. If the premises are damaged, even accidentally, residents will be held responsible and charged accordingly. Some repairs may be unnecessary or impractical to repair while the property is occupied. Damages such as sheet rock tears or holes will typically be repaired after a property is vacated.
There may be occasions when the noise from the maintenance crew affects a neighboring apartment. Rental Properties will do their best to keep noise to a minimum as much as possible.
Repairs, improvements, and unnecessary requests
The primary objective of Rental Properties is to ensure that all properties are maintained within reasonable and acceptable standards. The main difference between a repair and an improvement is that a repair maintains the property's condition, while an improvement adds value or extends the useful life of the property.
If requests are made for improvements or requests are deemed unnecessary, Rental Properties is under no obligation to fulfill such requests. Requests received will be reviewed in consideration of resources available. Rental Properties may choose to complete a request with the understand that the resident would be financially responsible or there may be an increase in rent.
Examples of necessary repairs
Broken appliances, doorknob/keypad malfunction, and plumbing issues.
Examples of improvements
Installing air conditioning to a property that did not previously have it, adding insulation, and installing updated windows or light fixtures.
Examples of unnecessary requests
Changing common light bulbs, hanging new curtain rods, making modifications, installing the resident's laundry machines, and yard care that is the responsibility of the resident.
Moisture and mold control
Molds are a part of nature and are present everywhere. They rarely cause problems indoors, unless exposed to moisture or humidity. To prevent moisture and mold in your residence:
- Maintain a temperature of at least 65 degrees.
- Clean water leaks or spills immediately.
- Do not leave damp materials like towels or clothes lying around.
- Increase ventilation by opening windows, doors, etc. when practical.
- Leave enough space between walls and furniture to allow airflow.
- Make sure appliances that produce moisture (dryers, stoves, etc.) are well ventilated.
- Run bathroom fan or open a window when showering.
- Report leaks or persistent moisture problems by submitting a work order.
A Washington Department of Health mold document is provided to each resident who checks in for housing. Included are instructions on how to clean mold.
Mountain View escape ladder
Ladders are provided in third-floor Mountain View apartments for use in an emergency that prevents escape from the front door. These ladders are to be used only in the event of a fire that prevents escaping through the front door. Because these ladders are for emergencies only, do not tamper with them at any time. Tamper seals are placed on each unit to indicate improper usage. Should the Village Housing office be made aware that a student has tampered with a fire escape ladder, the student will be fined $1,000 and asked to vacate their apartment immediately.
Moving Out
For policies related to moving out, cleaning and charges, please see Moving Out.
Noise level and quiet hours
It is the responsibility of the resident to keep noise at a respectable level at all times, especially after 10 p.m. seven days a week. The resident, guests and invitees may not disturb the quiet enjoyment of any other resident in the building or surrounding neighbors.
To report a noise disturbance, call Campus Security at (509) 527-2222. In addition, please be sure to report any noise disturbances to the Village Housing office by emailing
If noise is addressed but continues, fines or eviction may apply.
Normal wear and tear vs damage
Normal wear and tear is the expected decline in the condition of a property due to normal everyday use. It is deterioration that occurs in the course of living in a property. It is not caused by abuse or neglect. An example of normal wear and tear might include a loose hinge or handle on a door or worn gasket on a refrigerator door.
Damage is not naturally occurring. It is harm that affects the value, usefulness, or normal function of property. This damage can be committed on purpose or through neglect. Examples of damage might be a broken window, a hole in a wall or door, or carpet soaked with pet urine. See Moving Out for common damage charges.
Number of occupants per residence
It is the policy of Village Housing to allow one person per bedroom in a university-owned residence, and no more than three individuals per residence. The only exception to this is a student or WWU faculty or staff member residing in housing with their dependents (and spouse, if applicable). This policy is subject to change based on WWU enrollment and housing availability.
Registering your vehicle with Village Housing does not relieve you of the requirement to register with Campus Security. All those residing in university-owned apartments must register their vehicles at Registered residents will receive a sticker to place in their vehicle that allows that vehicle to be parked in designated parking areas. Any vehicle that does not have a parking sticker may be ticketed or towed at the vehicle owner’s expense. In addition, any vehicle that is driven on the WWU campus must be registered.
Guests should always park on the street.
Handicap parking
It is illegal to park in a handicap parking spot without a handicap placard or license plate.
Motorcycles must be parked within a marked parking space and not in breezeways, under stairs, on patios, or in housing units. Motorcycles may not share parking spaces with other vehicles.
Pest control
Apartment perimeters are sprayed for insects and bugs on a seasonal rotation.
If there is a problem with ants, spiders, or other bugs inside your residence, or bees/wasps outside your residence, we ask that you try to handle the situation on your own, if possible. We recommend using Raid ant baits for ants, and yellow jacket and wasp traps for wasps. These are available at Home Depot and Walmart.
The odorous house ant is very common in the Walla Walla Valley. You will have them in your living space. They are looking for food and water which means you’ll most likely experience them in the kitchen and bathroom. The odorous house ant lives in a multiple-queen colony which means they will divide the colony and multiply if they feel they are under attack. Do not simply wipe up ants when you see them. Use the Raid ant baits to kill the colonies; that way they won’t grow exponentially.
Pet policy (students)
No animals of any kind, except harmless fish in an aquarium (not to exceed a 10-gallon capacity per residence) may be kept, fed, or harbored on or about the premises. Service and emotional support animals are restricted to students who have received prior approvals for the current school year through both Disability Support Services and the Director of Residential Life and Housing.
A $250 fine for each unapproved pet will be charged to the residents’ student accounts. Although unapproved pets may not belong to all residents of the premises, any roommates who allowed an unapproved pet are also in violation of the pet policy. In addition, residents will be responsible for any added cleaning/damage charges incurred after the unit is vacated. Occupants found to have unapproved animals in housing will be given notice to remove them and provide evidence of removal within a specified time or vacate.
Pet policy (faculty and staff)
Faculty and staff may be approved, in advance, to maintain up to two (2) common household pets within the home with a $500 non-refundable fee for each pet and a signed addendum. Pets shall not be allowed out of the premises unless under the control of the residnet at all times, by leash, fence, or other suitable means. Leashes are not to be longer than six (6) feet. Having unapproved pets on the premises shall constitute a substantial and material breach of the rental agreement and shall be grounds for termination of the tenancy.
Primary vs. secondary resident
A primary resident is defined as the person who obtained the residence based upon their position on the Village Housing waitlist. The secondary resident would be the person who is invited into the residence by the primary resident. The secondary resident’s status may be dependent upon the primary resident. In other words, when the primary vacates the residence, the secondary may be asked to do so as well.
If there is a roommate conflict and it is determined that the living arrangements are not acceptable, the primary resident has the right to ask the secondary to move with a 30-day notice. Village Housing will work with the secondary resident as much as possible to help them find other accommodations but does not guarantee another residence.
When a primary resident vacates, the secondary resident remaining will become the primary resident. The new primary resident is responsible for subscribing to required utilities. See Utilities: Electricity and natural gas.
Prohibited use areas
Residents are not permitted to access, enter, or store any items in any attics, crawl spaces, furnace rooms, or any locked areas on the premises without prior written permission.
Property condition form
New residents will receive a property condition form at check in that allows them the chance to document any problems with the premises. Failure to fill out this form and return it to the Village Housing office within one week of moving in may result in additional charges upon moving out.
Rent (students)
Rent is charged at the beginning of each quarter in blocks of three months to most closely match the quarter and to allow for Student Financial Services to calculate financial need. In addition, rent is prorated for the remainder of the current three-month charge period at time of move in. For example, if occupancy begins in late September for fall quarter, there will be a prorated rent charge for the remainder of September, and another rent charge for the three months that coincide for fall (October, November, and December) once the quarter begins. Rent payments are to be paid to the student account by the first of each month. The account must be kept current and in good standing with WWU Student Financial Services to remain in housing.
Fall months charged: October, November, December
Winter months charged: January, February, March
Spring months charged: April, May, June
Summer months charged: July, August, September
Rent (faculty and staff)
Rent is deducted from the employee’s payroll. Half the monthly rent amount is deducted from the first pay period in the month, and the second half of the monthly rent is deducted from the second pay period of the month.
Rent charges and refunds
Rent is prorated at the time of check in and check out. Every month is based on a flat 30-day cycle, which is also called a banker’s month. A 30-day move out notice is required or up to one-month’s rent may be forfeited at the time of move out (see Moving Out).
Renters insurance
All residents living or storing items in university-owned housing should strongly consider insurance to cover personal items (bikes, books, computers, electronics, etc.) that may be lost, damaged, and/or destroyed by accident, theft, or other means. The university does not provide insurance to cover a resident’s personal items. This is the responsibility of the resident. Already existing family homeowner or renters insurance policies may provide limited coverage.
Residents’ personal property insurance coverage is highly advisable and can be purchased for a nominal fee online. You should check with your insurance agent and request a written note on what is and is not covered under your homeowner policy. Some things you should verify are whether there are limitations on computers, electronics, or other such things, and the coverage limit and deductible amount, which is typically much higher than a student personal property insurance policy.
Roommates (students)
Roommates are not assigned. Students who want roommates are responsible for finding their own. Roommates may be approved during the application process or primary residents may email roommate approvals to the Village Housing office.
Roommate cleaning & damage charges (students)
See Cleaning and damage charges in Moving Out.
Roommate rent and roommate grace (students)
Each resident’s rental agreement lists the full rent amount for the unit they are renting. Rent charges are divided equally among assigned residents.
Rent charges are adjusted when the number of assignees changes. When a roommate vacates and there is not an immediate replacement, additional rent is charged to remaining residents. A 30-day roommate grace is given to allow remaining residents time to find a replacement roommate before the increased rent amount applies.
Roommate’s rights
The list below contains a few rights of residents, and more specifically, your responsibility to your roommate, should you have one.
- The right to privacy.
- The right to sleep undisturbed.
- The right to live in a clean residence.
- The right to have your concerns addressed.
- The right to read, study, and sleep in a quiet environment.
- The right to expect that your roommate will respect what is yours.
- The right to be free from fear of intimidation, physical and/or emotional harm.
Sabbath observance
The Sabbath is set aside as a day of worship and rest to commemorate our Creator. Activities and conversations that take place between sundown Friday and sundown Saturday should be suitable for the Sabbath. Residents should refrain from activities such as moving in and out, holding yard sales, and washing cars during Sabbath hours.
Snow removal
It is the responsibility of the university to keep all common areas and parking lots reasonably clear of accumulated snow or ice. Common areas include stairways, walkways, and sidewalks in apartment complexes. Be sure to be cautious at all times as you walk to and from your vehicle as it is difficult to remove all of the snow and ice from parking areas.
Faculty Court residents are provided with snow shovels and are responsible for snow removal on their porches and stairs. Residents should leave the snow shovel when moving out in order to avoid a fine.
Residents in houses are responsible for the removal of accumulated snow on their own sidewalks, porches, and driveways.
Student conduct and sanctions
Any violation of the policies listed in the Village Housing Handbook or WWU Student Handbook and Code of Conduct, or directions from Village Housing staff or Campus Security, could be cause for fines, eviction, or disciplinary action. Depending on the offense, you may receive a verbal warning, a written warning, and/or an eviction notice.
It is important that village students are aware of the perception of their actions. If the perception of your activity is negative and is brought to our attention, you may be asked to meet with the assistant director for off-campus housing, the director of Residential Life and Housing, the dean of students, or the vice president for Student Life to discuss those perceptions and appropriate action.
Summer Hold Program (students only)
The Summer Hold Program allows students to hold the housing unit they lived in during the spring quarter through the summer and return to the same unit for the fall quarter. The following criteria must be met by Thursday following spring quarter finals:
- Any student account balance must be paid or payment arrangements must be made with Student Financial Services.
- If you receive financial aid, your financial aid file must be completed for next school year—this includes both your FAFSA and your WWU Financial Aid Application, along with any required verification documents, should you be selected for this process.
- You must be registered for fall quarter as a full-time student or in summer quarter either as a full- or part-time student.
- The entire summer rent (at 50% of the resident’s portion) must be paid in advance.
Additional policy conditions:
- All residents planning to return to the same unit for the fall quarter must participate in the Summer Hold Program.
- New residents are not eligible and may not be approved to move in until the fall quarter.
- The residence must remain unoccupied for a minimum of 90 days.
- Residents shall return all keys for the property to Village Housing. In the event the property has a keypad code, the resident will contact Village Housing via email to confirm they have left for the summer (keypad code will be deactivated).
- Residents must keep utilities on and will continue to be responsible for them.
- Residents must not turn off electrical breakers.
- Residents must not turn off or unplug the refrigerator.
- The premises may not be used for storage. Only the residents’ personal belongings may remain.
- An unannounced inspection of the residence will take place during the summer to verify compliance with the Summer Hold Program and rental agreement.
- All terms outlined in the Residential Rental Agreement are still in effect, including “8C. Landlord will not be responsible or liable for loss or damage to property belonging to student located on the premises hereunder, unless caused by the university’s negligence or willful misconduct. Student is advised to obtain renter’s insurance through student’s own insurance agent, at student’s expense.”
Failure to comply with any of these terms will result in cancellation of the Summer Hold Program. A cancellation of the Summer Hold Program may result in a full rent charge and/or eviction.
Summer rent program (students only)
To remain in Village Housing for the summer, the following criteria must be met by the day following spring quarter finals:
- Any student account balance must be paid or payment arrangements must be made with Student Financial Services.
- Monthly rent is due in advance by the end of the previous month.
- If you receive financial aid, your financial aid file must be completed for next school year - this includes both your FAFSA and your WWU Financial Aid Application, along with any required verification documents, should you be selected for this process.
- You must be registered for fall quarter as a full-time student or in summer quarter either as a full- or part-time student.
- Students staying to work on campus during the summer may be required to apply a percentage of their earnings to their student account.
Swimming pools, hot tubs/spas, and ponds
The use of swimming pools, spas/hot tubs, and ponds are not allowed on the premises. This includes kiddie pools.
Theft Prevention
Your diligence can help keep our campus (and your belongings) safe. Please remember:
- Always lock your residence.
- Lock your vehicle, even if leaving it for only a short time.
- Do not leave anything of value in your vehicle, especially in plain sight.
- When locking your bicycle, secure its frame and back tire to the bike rack using a U-lock.
Title IX and your rights
Walla Walla University is committed to providing all individuals with an environment free of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct, which includes sexual harassment and sexual assault. Titles IV of the Education Amendments of 1972 and Title XX U.S.C. Section 1681 state that “No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any educational program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.”
Walla Walla University prohibits all forms of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct including but not limited to sex-based intimidation and harassment, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual violence.
If you have been subjected to or are aware of an instance of sex discrimination or sexual misconduct, you are highly encouraged to report it to the Title IX coordinator. The university has resources to offer and may be able to help. For further information or to report an incident, contact the Title IX coordinator at (509) 527-2259 or by e-mail at
View WWU's complete Title IX policy.
Trampolines are not allowed on the premises.
Transferring within university-owned housing
Residents may not transfer from one Village Housing property to another. However, some life events may make moving a necessity. The Village Housing office has a petition process in place to review requests. If approval is granted, the resident will be required to pay a nonrefundable housing administration fee for the new housing assignment. Cleaning fees and damages for the initial residence will need to be worked out between roommates. Moving within Village Housing without prior approval may result in a fine and/or eviction.
Trash and unwanted items
Dumpsters are provided at each apartment complex to dispose of trash, and all houses are provided with garbage cans. Trash left outside a residence will incur a fine.
The university covers basic trash service for most properties. Items that do not fit in the trash bins or are not allowed should be taken to the dump at the resident’s expense. Any overage charges received for trash service, or dump and related fees, are the responsibility of the resident.
Items not accepted in campus dumpsters:
- Appliances (any)
- Bed parts
- Books and brochures (full boxes or large quantities)
- Building or construction materials
- Bricks or cement blocks
- Cardboard (multiple boxes or large quantities of flat stock)
- Carpet
- Cement
- Chemicals
- Computer components
- Doors
- Electronic equipment
- Fluorescent bulbs
- Furniture
- Glass
- Paint
- Pipe (cement, clay, metal, plastic)
- Plywood
- Roofing materials
- Sand, gravel, or plastic
- Tires or wheels
- Vehicle batteries
- Waste oil (hydraulic fluid, transmission fluid, etc.)
- Windows (frames)
When moving out, it is the resident’s responsibility to appropriately dispose of or donate unwanted items not allowed in the dumpsters or garbage cans. No items should be left inside or outside of the residence, building, dumpsters, yards, streets, sidewalks, or parking lots.
Utilities: Electricity and natural gas
Living in village housing is a privilege and requires responsibility. In addition to rent, you are required to maintain certain utilities for your residence. It is the primary resident’s responsibility to call and set up utilities.
Pacific Power: (888) 221-7070
Hallmark, some houses
Columbia REA: (509) 526-4041
Mountain View, Birch, Faculty Court, some houses
Cascade Natural Gas: (888) 522-1130
Some Houses
All companies require a deposit to begin service. This should be done within 48 hours of signing your Rental Agreement. Please remember to contact utility companies when you move out and terminate your service.
If Village Housing receives a utility bill for your residence after you have moved in, you will be asked to pay the bill along with a $25 processing fee. This can be paid with cash, check, or credit/debit card to the Village Housing office within 3 business days.
Yard care
Although lawn mowing is provided, residents living in single- and multi-unit houses are responsible for maintaining additional yard work. This includes weeding, trimming, watering, and leaf removal. Hoses and sprinklers may be borrowed from Rental Properties by submitting a work order.
Resident responsibilities
Resident shall:
- Respond to and follow directions provided by the Village Housing staff.
- Comply with the directions of university officials or law enforcement officers and identify oneself to these persons when requested to do so.
- Keep all premises in a clean and sanitary condition; vacuum must be used for proper upkeep. Residence should be left as it was upon move in.
- Maintain temperature of at least 65° inside the premises at all times.
- Properly dispose of garbage and waste in a clean and sanitary manner at reasonable and regular intervals.
- Assume all costs of extermination and fumigation for infestation caused by resident.
- Assume all costs of replacing broken glass caused by resident negligence.
- Properly use and operate all electrical, gas, heating, and plumbing facilities including fixtures, appliances, filters, replacing light bulbs and smoke alarm batteries, as well as the cost of repairing and thawing frozen pipe damage caused by resident negligence.
- Clean or replace furnace filters on a regular schedule. Furnace filters and may be requested by submitting a work order.
- Refrain from intentionally or negligently destroying, defacing, damaging, impairing, or removing any part of the premises, including the facilities, equipment, furnishings, and appliances, or to permit any guest to do so.
- Maintain yard, which includes raking, trimming, and watering. If needed, resident may submit a work order to request a hose and sprinkler for lawn watering. If the lawn has to be replaced, resident will be held liable for replacement charges.
- Not make any alterations or improvements to the premises, equipment or fixtures, or do any painting or decorating, or construct any fence or wall, nor remove any locks without first obtaining the prior written consent from the university.
University responsibilities
The university shall:
- Maintain all structural components in good repair.
- Keep common areas reasonably clean and safe from defects, increasing the hazards of fire or accident.
- Provide a reasonable program for the control of infestation by insects, rodents and other pests.
- Maintain all supplied electrical, plumbing, heating, and other appliances in reasonably good working order.
- Abandoned car: Cost of tow
- BBQ policy noncompliance: $500
- Candles or open flame articles: $25 to $100 per instance
- Damaged window screen: $35
- Fire extinguisher tampering or removal: $200 each
- Fireworks: $500
- Improper or incomplete checkout or move out: $150
- Inappropriate items left on balcony/porch/patio/carport/yard: $30 per item + landfill fee, $40 per item for mattresses and couches
- Items left in breezeway: $35 per item
- Keypad programming (at request or if code was shared by resident): $25
- Late key return (if confirmation of move out received on time): $50 to $150
- Late move out / delayed confirmation of move out / delay or change in move-out date: $250
- Lock changes or replacement: $50 each lock
- Lockout (Campus Security): $5
- Lost key (no suspicious circumstances), subject to change by the WWU Key Shop): $35
- Motorcycles in breezeway: $80 or two fee
- Noise complaint (no charge for first offense): $50
- Official notification / Notice to vacate: $20
- Service call fee: $15 to $70
- Smoke detector tampering or removal: $250 each
- Third floor Mountain View safety ladder seal broken or tampering: $1,000 or eviction
- Trash left outside: $35
- Unapproved car repairs: $50
- Unapproved pet: $250 for each pet charged to each roommate, plus possible additional repair and cleaning costs
For general cleaning and damage charges after moving out, see Moving Out.
Please be aware that due to the status of university-owned housing as “student housing,” we are only allowed to house current students (see Eligibility for WWU village housing for students). Loss of enrolled status at any time constitutes grounds for termination of tenancy, and the student is required to vacate within 24 hours.
Non-Graduating students
Students are required to vacate within 24 hours following the end of the quarter unless they are preregistered for the following quarter.
Graduating students
Students completing their coursework at the end of summer, fall, or winter quarters are required to vacate within 24 hours following the end of the quarter. Students completing their coursework at the end of the spring quarter are required to vacate within 24 hours following the graduation commencement.
Faculty and staff
Loss of full-time, benefit-eligible employment status at any time constitutes grounds for termination of tenancy, and the employee is required to vacate within two weeks (14 days). If not vacated within two weeks, a late move-out fine of $250 and eviction may apply. Any rent charges not covered by payroll deductions will be added to the employee’s university account and must be paid for separately. Employee will continue to be bound by and expected to comply with the terms of the rental agreement through the date the property is vacated.
Late move out
Residents who do not vacate within the time policy allows or provide confirmation by returning key(s) or email (in case of keypad lock) will incur a $250 fine.
Notice to all residents
The resident is expected to leave the house or apartment in the condition it was upon occupancy, excluding normal wear and tear. If there are charges for cleaning, damages, moving out late, or failure to return keys, these charges will be charged to recently vacated resident(s).
Move-out notice
A 30-day move out notice is required. If a minimum 30-day notice is not received, you may be fined up to $250 and the remainder of your last month’s rent. After submitting a move-out notice, you may make adjustments within 10 days without incurring a fine or penalty. Failure to vacate on or before the date given may also result in fines and/or other consequences such as eviction (see Fees and fines).
Move out confirmation (keys and key codes)
Even with a move-out notice, rent will continue to be charged until confirmation is received by the Village Housing office that the property has been vacated. A late checkout may apply if confirmation is not received by the day of move out. To confirm you have moved out, turn your keys directly in to the Village Housing office (use the mail slot if the office is closed) or, in case of key code, email (a written note left in the mail slot is also acceptable). This is your responsibility. Do not give this responsibility to anyone else.
Call any electricity or natural gas companies you may have service with and have the service transferred back into the university’s name on or about the day you vacate. If you have fuel oil, please be sure you have the tank filled before vacating. If you have additional services, such as landline phone, cable, or internet, please cancel these services.
If you move out in the winter, it is very important that the heat remain on in a vacant property to avoid freezing of plumbing. Leave the heat set at 55 degrees.
Cleaning and damage charges
Cleaning, damage, and material charges will be determined by Rental Properties at the time of inspection or when the needed repairs take place. Residents should not attempt repairs themselves. It is unlikely the work would meet university standards, resulting in additional damage fees to complete the work correctly. If premises are damaged, even accidentally, residents will be billed for it.
Following is a list of common cleaning and damage charges. This list is not intended to be all-inclusive.
- Carpet cleaning (extra): Extra fees billed by carpet cleaning company
- Cleaning (general): $45 per hour, 1 hour minimum
- Cutting board replacement: $15
- Improper or incomplete checkout or move out: $150
- Lawn repair, such as pulling weeds, reseeding, leaf removal, and outside repairs: $45 per hour, 3-hour minimum
- Light bulb replacement (burned out or incorrect color or type installed): $5 each
- Lock changes (when keys are not returned or suspicious circumstances): $50 per lock
- Nail or staple hole repair: $1 per small hole
- Repairs (general): $45 per hour, 1 hour minimum
- Snow shovel replacement (Faculty Court apartments): $30
- Trash and articles disposal (such as removal of appliances, trash, or furniture left by resident): $45 plus labor and fees
- Unapproved installation for services: $100
- Window screen replacement: $35
Roommate cleaning & damage charges (students)
If all roommates are vacating within a short time of each other, any extra cleaning or damages discovered when the property is inspected will be the responsibility of all roommates.
Any damages discovered after a roommate moves out will be the responsibility of any remaining roommates. Consequently, it is to your advantage to report any damages before roommates move out. If partial vacancy is expected, it is recommended that all residents review the state of the apartment prior to the departure of roommates to determine responsibility and notify the Village Housing office.
Abandonment of property
Personal property abandoned by residents upon move out will be assessed and if, at the discretion of the university, it is valued at $250 or more or sentimental in nature, former residents will be notified via email. Such property will be retained for seven days for residents to claim. If unclaimed, property will be disposed of. Property valued at less than $250 will be disposed of without notice. Any costs associated with storage of property and disposal will be charged to the former residents, in addition to an incomplete move-out fine.
Trash and articles disposal
Remove all trash, debris, and personal property from the premises, including outside and in storage areas. Items to be disposed of should not be left outside, in parking lots, or near a trash receptacle.
Move-out checklist
This list is provided as a guide for cleaning. Not all units are equipped the same, so please adjust as needed for your house or apartment.
General (Do not use abrasive cleansers or equipment, such as steel wool, scouring pads, pumice stone, sandpaper or sanding screen.)
- Remove all trash, debris, and personal property.
- Wipe all woodwork. Remove fingerprints from light switch plates, door frames and walls in heavy traffic areas.
- Wipe out all drawers and cupboards. Thoroughly clean counter tops.
- Dust blinds, windowsills, and tracks.
- Check ceiling areas and corners for spider webs.
- Thoroughly vacuum carpets (do not shampoo).
- Thoroughly clean all hard flooring. Be sure that you do not leave cleaner on the floor. Wipe all baseboards and under cabinets.
- Clean shelves and floors of closet.
- Dust shelves and light fixtures.
- Replace all missing and burned-out light bulbs.
- Change furnace filters.
- Check smoke detectors and replace batteries if necessary.
- Clean all other items and areas that are unique to your unit and not already mentioned.
- If your unit has a university-supplied washer and dryer, remove lint from dryer’s lint tray, and clean around the washer and dryer.
- Close and lock all windows and doors before leaving.
- Clean bathtub, tile around tub, and doors, and wipe down hardware.
- Clean toilet. Be sure to check around the base of the toilet.
- Clean shower inside and out.
- Clean sink and wipe down mirrors.
- Clean medicine cabinet.
- Remove dust debris from fan.
- Wash off cabinets and wipe out drawers and shelves.
- Clean sink and counters, and under sink.
- Clean light fixtures, dishwasher, and oven hood.
- Clean microwave, inside and out.
- Clean dishwasher, inside and out.
- Clean all surfaces and areas.
- Clean outside surfaces including behind and underneath refrigerator.
- Wipe out freezer.
- Clean all inside surfaces of oven, including rack.
- Clean burner trays and rings. Clean the area underneath the burner trays.
- Clean oven drawer, and underneath and behind stove.
- Remove all trash and debris from the house and yard.
- Clean all storage areas and buildings. Remove all of your belongings.
- Clean window wells, driveway, and carport.
- Sweep porch, patio, deck, breezeway, and garage.